
Falling, not falling

Falling, not falling

This series (in my personal collection for now) is working through ideas and questions about falling, not falling (a description of walking, by the way), using photographs and situations to...

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Falling, not falling

This series (in my personal collection for now) is working through ideas and questions about falling, not falling (a description of walking, by the way), using photographs and situations to...

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minimalist seriality, a pandemic practice

minimalist seriality, a pandemic practice

Listening, when called, and taking the plunge.  "There are no mistakes" is my mantra. (Learning that with acrylic paint, you can have a "do-over", which is not the same as...

minimalist seriality, a pandemic practice

Listening, when called, and taking the plunge.  "There are no mistakes" is my mantra. (Learning that with acrylic paint, you can have a "do-over", which is not the same as...

Art Saves Lives... my personal experience

Art Saves Lives... my personal experience

It’s a practice. No mistakes. And no goal. Just keep painting.

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Art Saves Lives... my personal experience

It’s a practice. No mistakes. And no goal. Just keep painting.

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